It’s DONE!!!!!!

You. Guys.

So much good news to share I just have to spill. I’ll come back with deets next week about things like –

1. How my mother found a deep, top-mount sink that met my dimension AND budget requirements. A+++!!


2. A super cool company {pun intended} read my lament about the lack of AC and came to the rescue. PLUS I’ve got a discount to share with you.

3. The Garden Apartment is DONE. D! D-O-N-E DONE! It’s true. And it looks….. spectacular, if I do say so myself. {brushes shoulders off} You know what that means!! AFTER PICTURES!! Huzzah.

4. I’ve got a tenant. One who has moved in, signed a year long lease, and pays me rent! Not really any other details on that front coming; got to respect their privacy and all. But due to the fact that the garden apartment is DONE and RENTED, I think it’s safe to say –


Have a laid back, relaxing Labor Day weekend. I’ll be back Tuesday with tons of updates. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

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10 Responses to It’s DONE!!!!!!

  1. tia says:

    congratulations! i know getting all of that done makes this long weekend even sweeter. i hope you get to relax too!

  2. Quinn says:

    I don’t even know you but I’m so proud of you!

  3. Anne Hudson says:

    Way to go lady!!! Now kick back relax and have a stiff drink or 5…you deserve it!!

  4. Brandi says:

    Congrats on accomplishing so much and finishing everything! That’s just fantastic. I really can’t wait to see those after photos of the garden apartment!!

    Enjoy the long weekend — you deserve some rest and relaxation (which I’m sure is easier to indulge in now that everything’s finished).

  5. Eva says:

    YAY!! All really great things 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about them!

  6. Oh my god, that must feel SO GOOD! Huge congratulations! And seriously, I’m demanding after pictures.

  7. Mary H. says:

    Wow, congrats! That’s a lot of work. Just curious how you found your tenant – can your recommend any good methods for advertising your place?

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