Killer Vines

Yesterday, Nicole at Making it Lovely posted a photo of some vintage wallpaper she found on ebay and is saving for her daughter’s “big girl” room. It got me thinking about the wallpaper in my first childhood home.

I remember that wallpaper so vividly. It hung on the wall at the top of the landing when you first walked in the door. Vines wound up the wall with flowers in oranges, brick reds, and shades of blueish teal. Mom & Dad used to call it the “killer vines”; clearly not their choice of wallpaper. CORRECTION: They put it up but “grew” on them and came down 7-8 years after installing it.

Carrie in living room

You can see it in the background here.

Andy's Baptism

The detail –

wine wallpaper close up

I can’t imagine it’s a widely appealing design but I still kind of love it. And I kind of want to find a few rolls of this to hang in a nook or wall here. Is that crazy?

Does anyone recognize the pattern or designer/brand?

What do you remember fondly from your childhood home?

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5 Responses to Killer Vines

  1. I love the picture of you with the cabbage patch. Such a cutie. I think it would be really cool (and sentimental) to recreate it in a nook.

  2. karen rudzinski says:

    Carrie- Your post brought back so many happy memories of the cape style home I grew up in , in Bedford Massachusetts. I was 12 years old and loved reading the book “Little Women” so my Mom took me to Concord Mass to see Louisa May Alcott’s home where she grew up. I fell in love with her bedroom wallpaper which was a lovely antique floral pattern. I must have talked about that wallpaper for months. My dad actually called the home and found out the pattern name from the caretaker! He surprised me for my 13th birthday by wallpapering my bedroom with that very same wallpaper. I will never ever forget that day- I cried and felt like a princess- he still gets the biggest hugs for it and I am now 49! I completely get why you want to find that wallpaper. It is so very pretty- hope you find it!- Karen

  3. I had ABC wallpaper with animals and stuff on it in my room. I loved that wallpaper as a little girl! Also, my mom had papered our main bathroom with this cool wallpaper that looked like a vintage Sears catalog. I would sit on the pot and read the ads for corsets and shaving items. I would use it again today.

  4. Lisa says:

    I remember the silver and navy blue foil wallpaper in my parent’s living room. It was in a zig zag pattern. Now it would be so hip.

  5. ew32766 says:

    I think it would be AMAZING to have the wallpaper from your family home in your house. Even if only used on a bulletin board or something small. What a cool homage! We had vertical faux wood on the walls in my parents living room when I was growing up. If my parents still lived there I would have insisted they white wash those suckers by now!

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